Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Will your feet be warmer in the winter if you wear 2 pair of socks?

Will your feet be warmer in the winter if you wear 2 pair of socks instead of 1 pair?  It depends on whether you can still wiggle your toes. If you can't, the fit is too tight, and your feet will get cold sooner....read what the experts at Backpacker Magazine say about this issue.

Minimum-equipment SAR pack lists from 20 teams—a compilation and analysis by Mike McDonald

If you've ever wondered what gear other SAR teams require in their field rucks, check out Mike McDonald's 4-page, 2002 compilation and analysis of minimum-equipment pack lists from 20 different local and national SAR groups. It's very informative...

 • Download your own copy.
Source: Steven Armstrong via the SAR Talk Group on Facebook

Oct 2013 issue of the UK's "Mountain Pro" magazine contains a great article on the magnetic compass by Lyle Brotherton, one of the World's top land navigation instructors

The current issue (October 2013) of Mountain Pro—the United Kingdom's leading magazine for the outdoor professional—is online. See pages 28 and 29 for a good article on how the magnetic compass REALLY works. Entitled "A Space Odyssey," it's authored by none other than Lyle Brotherton, one of the world's leading land navigation instructors and author of the Ultimate Land Navigation Manual. This is an excellent magazine for outdoor operators. Look for a SAR team to be profiled in the January '14 issue. Read the Mountain Pro.